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We are manufacturers and retailers of garment, apparel and home furnishings. Our specialty is creating merchandise using the fabric in its purest form with minimum application of resources, chemicals and labour. We follow a policy of using majority bio- degradable raw materials- starting from the coconut shell buttons to 99% paper packaging. Plastic is forbidden at Minimul.


Founder imageFOUNDER’S NOTE
Minimul was conceived in October 2020. I started with a super-realistic approach considering the nature of small business and the simplicity of the clothes we make. My name is Ritviza and Minimul is my brainchild. Thank you for connecting with the brand. Please always feel free to reach out, ask multiple questions, inquire, place a special request, or just chat about the products. It makes me extremely happy to know that people are interested and looking. While we work towards creating ethical and conscious products, we hope you enjoy your investment into a slow and sustainable lifestyle.


Each piece of garment uses cropping of a certain plant, Resources to grow it, cultivate it, create yarn out of it, And then be processed in large factories which in ways impacts our environment. That garment is very quickly sold and quickly discarded because it’s no more “in fashion”. Minimul merchandise are high quality and made to last, so, you don’t have to discard them next year and purchase new ones.




Founder imageFABRICS
We pledge to use fabrics which are organic, bio- degradable, and soft to the skin. The quest for incorporating plant based fabrics will be never- ending. Our current collections are majorly dominated by organic cotton, linen, and mul- each naturally dyed, ethically sourced and designed using equally sustainable accessories.